Aspiration Statement
I want to pursue my career as an illustrator, animator and a (graphic and product) designer. My goal is to eventually become a creative director few years down the line.
Core Skills
- 2D Animation
- Digital Illustration
- Graphic Design
- Industrial, Product Design
- Poetry
Academic Awards / Achievements
- Dean's List Spring 2021
- High Academic Leap Scholarship Fall 2021
Internship / Volunteer Work
- Director of Design - Pride Press Club, Gazette (June 2020 - January 2021)
- Director of Design - TEDx HabibUniversity (July 2019 - September 2019)
Publications / Creative Projects
- Poetry published in Arzu Volume 3
Final Year Project
Project Title
To What Extent the Depictions of and Responses to Catastrophic Sequences in Japanese Animations Represent the Reality?
The purpose of this research was to identify to what extent tsunamis and earthquakes portrayed in Japanese 20 animated films and 1V shows are an example of a realistic representation of natural catastrophes, by analyzing existing literature and examining selective films and a 1V show. The analysis was mainly conducted from the lens of the Tohoku Triple Disaster of 2011 and the Great Kanto Earthquake of 1923. The results showed that due to the prevalence of the occurrence of natural disasters in Japan, there are a number of films and 1V shows which are focused on the theme of natural disaster and the characters' responses to such events, the representations of which are realistic in some works while unrealistic in other Japanese animated works.